Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Date of Establishment: December 14, 2023
Business Owner Information: Edition4 Studies General Incorporated Association (3-7-16-3, Fukashi, Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture)
Representative Director: Tatsuya YAMAMOTO

The Edition4 Studies General Incorporated Association, in operating the "LOCAL TOUCH by ALPSCITY pay" site, respects the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting their personal information (as defined below) in accordance with the following policy.

1. Personal Information

Personal information as defined on this site shall refer to "personal information" as outlined in the Personal Information Protection Law. This includes information about living individuals such as names, dates of birth, age, gender, address, phone numbers, email addresses, information about visited web pages, complaints, inquiries, or consultative information, as well as any data from which a specific individual can be identified (personal identification information), including online identifiers (IP address, cookie information).

2. Purpose of Using Personal Information

Our association uses personal information collected through the operation of the "LOCAL TOUCH by ALPSCITY pay" site for the following purposes:

  • Providing services and personal authentication in member services, and service guidance
  • Creation of user profiles based on user consent
  • Improving existing services and developing new ones
  • Preventing misuse of services in violation of terms of use
  • Conducting surveys, applications for campaigns, prize dispatches, etc.
  • Invitations to seminars, events, and exhibitions
  • Creating statistical data in a format that does not identify individuals, related to the services
  • Purposes incidental to the above

3. Limitations Based on Purpose of Use

Our association will handle personal information only within the scope necessary to fulfill the intended purposes. Handling of personal information beyond these purposes will be conducted only with prior consent from the user, except in the following cases:

  • When required by law
  • When necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual
  • When especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy development of children and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual
  • When necessary for cooperating with a national or local public entity or their delegate in executing tasks prescribed by laws, and obtaining consent might impede the execution of such tasks

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our association may outsource the handling of personal information. In doing so, we ensure the safe management of personal information at the contractor by selecting appropriate parties, concluding contracts for personal information protection, and supervising the contractors as necessary.

Furthermore, our association will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

  • With the user's consent
  • When deemed necessary to prevent harm to third parties
  • When requested for disclosure by courts, public prosecutor's offices, police, bar associations, consumer centers, or other authorities with similar powers
  • When explicitly requested by the user for disclosure or provision to third parties
  • When permitted by law for disclosure or provision
  • When "LOCAL TOUCH by ALPSCITY pay" reasonably determines it necessary to provide services to the user

5. Regarding Cookies

Our site uses cookies for some content. Cookies are pieces of information stored in the browser when accessing the site and do not include personal information like names or email addresses. We use cookies to deliver effective advertisements to visitors to our site and for access analysis. You can also disable cookies through your browser settings.

6. Procedures for Correction, Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information

Our association will respond within a reasonable period after confirming the identity of the user, in cases where a user requests correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of their personal information.

7. Disclaimer

Our association bears no responsibility for the acquisition of personal information by third parties in the following cases:

  • When the user themselves has disclosed personal information using the functions of our services or through other means
  • When an individual becomes identifiable due to information entered by the user on "LOCAL TOUCH by ALPSCITY pay" or related social media accounts

8. Use of Statistical Data

Our association may create statistical data that does not identify individuals based on the personal information of users. We may use such statistical data without any restrictions.

9. Revision of Privacy Policy

Our association may revise all or part of this privacy policy. Significant changes will be announced on the site.

10. Personal Information Management Officer

The personal information of users will be responsibly managed by the following:

Name: Edition4 Studies General Incorporated Association
Address: 3-7-16-3 Fukashi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture
Email Address: contact@edition4.jp
Representative Director of Edition4 Studies: Tatsuya YAMAMOTO